5 Things All Marketing Agency Clients Should Know

Category: Our Thoughts

As I write this, I realize that I’ve been co-running this agency with Tammy for about a decade now. It doesn’t seem that long at all, and to be honest, I think that’s because we’ve been lucky. I can truthfully say that about 99% of our clients have been great – some of whom have even become our close friends.

With a necessity to work with a wide variety of personalities and individuals with various job titles, it’s become important for us to whittle down not only how we can foster a great relationship with our clients, but how clients can help improve it as well. Here is what I believe to be a very concise list to help clients get prepared to work with an agency like ours.

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The Mothers of Buying Power: Millennial Moms

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Category: Marketing Strategies & Tips

There are many female millennials travelling, consuming goal-driven media, experiencing career freedom, and closely relating to any of the characters in the HBO series GIRLS. But there’s an even bigger percentage of them who are connected by one thing — they’re moms.

Of the 1.5 million women who have become mothers in the past year, more than 85 per cent of them are millennials. Loosely defined as anyone born between 1980 and the early 2000s, millennials are now starting to outnumber the baby boomers as the largest living demographic. In point: they’re now the world’s largest consumer group.

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An In-Depth Guidebook | “Building A Tribe of Ambassadors for Your Brand”

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Category: Branding

Almost every organization wants their customers to openly advocate their brand. They want them to be gleefully sharing their products and services on social media – telling their friends that they “must buy brand XX because…”. They want them to be writing insightful blog posts and in-depth articles about why brand XX is better than all their competitors. Some even want them scribbling down stories in their journals about how brand XX helped shape their childhood.

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Market Segmentation Benefits: The Beautiful Irony of a Bullseye Target

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Image courtesy of Hans Splinter
Category: Marketing Strategies & Tips

Before we jump in, a quick marketing 101 lesson; the idea of having a “bullseye target” in marketing is to single in on one type of person with specific demographic and psychographic details so that you can focus all your marketing resources and attention on him or her. If this is the first time you’ve heard of this concept, it might sound a little ridiculous, and wasteful. I get it. The concept of funnelling all your marketing budget and resources into one single specific type of person seems ludicrous when you can just as easily spread out those resources and appeal to everyone.

The problem is, when you do the latter, you dilute your budget, resources, and worst of all, your message.

There is a cacophony of brands and advertisements bombarding our eyes and minds every day, and as consumers it’s not unusual to see thousands upon thousands each day. So, how does pin-pointing one type of person for your marketing efforts help your brand to stand out and attract more customers and clients?

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5 Ways To (Re)Evaluate and Improve Your Marketing Strategy

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Image courtesy of Diego Sevilla Ruiz
Category: Marketing Strategies & Tips

The first time you write your marketing plan, it’s an inspiring process. You’ve laid out this well-thought-out strategic roadmap that will lead you to business success, and you can’t wait to implement it. In some senses, you expect it to be a cakewalk. However, after a year, or maybe even just six months, you find yourself so focused on just “doing” things, that you forget all about the clear, strategic plan that you had initially laid out. You’re focusing more on keeping your head above water with things like “managing” social media accounts and you forget all about how to utilize them to your benefit – just like you had laid out in the marketing plan.

This happens to marketers everywhere, and if this sounds like you, it’s time to evaluate (and/or re-evaluate) your marketing plan. Here are 5 tips on how to get started:

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Importance of Mission Statements Most Marketing Plans Are Missing

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Category: Marketing Strategies & Tips

Of the many marketing plans I’ve seen, there’s one major thing that a majority of them desperately need but are curiously missing: a clear vision. This should be the same (or at least similar) vision from your business plan that guides all aspects of your organization. And truthfully, anyone can write down a vision – and many do – but a clear vision will easily apply to your marketing plan, and it will do exactly what you expect: it will clarify.

A lot of times, I see vision statements that are multiple lines long and – quite frankly – confusing and frustrating to follow. One time, I actually witnessed a marketing director having to pull out a document in order to read the vision statement verbatim from a sheet a paper. If you catch yourself doing this, I can promise you that your vision statement is wrong. Your vision is supposed to guide your team’s entire direction. How can you expect your team to follow a vision, if you can’t even remember it?

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How do Higher Ed Institutes market to High School Students?

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Image courtesy of r. nial bradshaw
Category: Marketing Strategies & Tips Tags:

If you know a little bit about our agency, you’ll know that several of our past campaigns have been with post-secondary institutions such as College of Opticians Alberta or Vancouver Island University. – and many of these campaigns have been aimed at recruiting high school students. In the past, high school students were Gen Y’s/Millenials, but now, the under 18’s are tentatively labelled Generation Z, and post-secondary institutions need to take note.

Gen Z is different than Gen Y, and this blog post is going to tell you all about them, and what you should be doing to attract them.

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How to Define Strong Brand Vision

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Category: Branding Case Studies Update

Branding can be an arduous, soul-searching, and highly philosophical process. And although it’s a process filled with seemingly subjective decisions, we’ve noticed that companies that have a strong idea of their vision, mission, and values, tend to be able to build stronger brands.

Earlier this year, our friend Linda enlisted us with the task to develop her new consultancy’s brand from the ground-up. It was a heady task, but because she had such strongly defined vision, mission, and values (VMVs), we were able to tackle it with a very clear approach – read our full case study results here.

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3 Things I Learned from the BCAMA Vision Conference 2014

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Category: Marketing Strategies & Tips

I don’t know why I’m always hesitant when going to big conferences like the BCAMA Vision 2014 one a couple weeks ago. I guess it’s the fact that they’re usually full-day conferences that can be draining on the body and mind, but I usually end up leaving inspired by some great advice and new ideas.

This conference was definitely no different. Here are some things I learned about at the conference that is hopefully of help to you as well.

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